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Snelling EP, Seymour RS (2024).  The hearts of large mammals generate higher pressures, are less efficient and use more energy than those of small mammals.  Journal of Experimental Biology 227, jeb247747.  Impact Factor: 3.312.


Mtetwa TK*, Snelling EP, Buss PE, Donaldson AC, Roug A, Meyer LCR (2024).  Reliability, clinical performance and trending ability of a pulse oximeter and pulse co-oximeter, in monitoring blood oxygenation, at two measurement sites, in immobilised white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum).  BMC Veterinary Research 20, 319.  Impact Factor: 3.700.  *PhD advisor.


Mitchell D, Maloney SK, Snelling EP, Fonsêca VFC, Fuller A (2024).  Measurement of microclimates in a warming world: problems and solutionsJournal of Experimental Biology 227, jeb246481.  Impact Factor: 3.312.


Hu Q, Seymour RS, Snelling EP, Wells RT (2024).  Blood flow rate to the femur of extinct kangaroos implies a higher
locomotor intensity compared to living hopping macropods.  Journal of Mammalian Evolution 31, 2.  Impact Factor: 2.611.


Dolton HR, Snelling EP, Deaville R, Jackson AL, Perkins MW, Bortoluzzi JR, Purves K, Curnick DJ, Pimiento C, Payne NL (2023).  Centralized red muscle in Odontaspis ferox and the prevalence of regional endothermy in sharks.  Biology Letters 19, 20230331.  Impact Factor: 3.703.


Dolton HR, Jackson AL, Deaville R, Hall J, Hall G, McManus G, Perkins MW, Rolfe RA, Snelling EP, Houghton JDR, Sims DW, Payne NL (2023).  Regionally endothermic traits in planktivorous basking sharks Cetorhinus maximus.  Endangered Species Research 51,  Impact Factor: 3.079.


Hu Q, Miller CV, Snelling EP, Seymour RS (2023).  Blood flow rates to leg bones of extinct birds indicate high levels of
cursorial locomotion.  Paleobiology 49, 700-711.  Impact Factor: 3.153.


Mtetwa TK*, Snelling EP, Donaldson AC, Buss P, Meyer LCR (2023).  Reliability of the Enterprise Point-Of-Care (EPOC) blood analyzer’s calculated arterial oxygen hemoglobin saturation, in immobilized white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum).  Veterinary Clinical Pathology 52, 417-421.  Impact Factor: 1.333.  *PhD advisor.


Zeyl JN, Snelling EP, Joo R, Clusella‑Trullas S (2023).  Scaling of ear morphology across 127 bird species and its implications for hearing performance.  Hearing Research 428, 108679.  Impact Factor: 3.672.


Mtetwa TK*, Snelling EP, Buss P, Zeiler GE, Meyer LCR (2022).  Reliability of pulse oximetry, at four different attachment sites, in immobilized white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum).  Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia 49,  Impact Factor: 1.648.  *PhD advisor.


Horrell HD*, Lindeque A, Farrell AP, Seymour RS, White CR, Kruger KM*, Snelling EP (2022).  Relationship between capillaries, mitochondria and maximum power of the heart:  a meta-study from shrew to elephant.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 289, 20212461.  Impact Factor: 5.349.  *BVSc undergraduate advisor.


Zeyl JN, Snelling EP, Connan M, Basille M, Clay TA, Joo R, Patrick SC, Phillips RA, Pistorius PA, Ryan PG, Snyman A, Clusella‑Trullas S (2022).  Aquatic birds have middle ears adapted to amphibious lifestyles.  Scientific Reports 12, 5251.  Impact Factor: 4.543.


Fonsêca VFC, da Silva RG, Moura GAB, Snelling EP, Fuller A, Mitchell D, Costa CCM, Milan HM, Maia ASC (2022).  Reliability of methods to determine cutaneous evaporative water loss rate in furred and fleeced mammals.  Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics & Physiology 337, 356-365.  Impact Factor: 1.855.


Munn AJ, Snelling EP, Taggart DA, Clauss M (2022).  Scaling at different ontogenetic stages: Gastrointestinal tract contents of a marsupial foregut fermenter, the western grey kangaroo Macropus fuliginosus melanops.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 264, 111100.  Impact Factor: 2.660.


Munn AJ, Snelling EP, Taggart DA, Seymour RS (2021).  Ontogenetic scaling of the gastrointestinal tract of a marsupial foregut fermenter, the western grey kangaroo Macropus fuliginosus melanops.  Journal of Comparative Physiology B 191, 371-383.  Impact Factor: 2.317.


Fuller A, Mitchell D, Maloney SK, Hetem RS, Fonseca VFC, Meyer LCR, Van de Ven TMFN, Snelling EP (2021).  How dryland mammals will respond to climate change: the effects of body size, heat load, and a lack of food and water.  Journal of Experimental Biology 224, jeb238113.  Impact Factor: 3.312.


Veiga G*, Biewener AA, Fuller A, van de Ven TMFN, McGowan CP, Panaino W, Snelling EP (2020).  Functional morphology of the ankle extensor muscle-tendon units in the springhare Pedetes capensis shows convergent evolution with macropods for bipedal hopping locomotion.  Journal of Anatomy 237, 568-578.  Impact Factor: 3.032.  *BHSc honours advisor.


Seymour RS, Hu Q, Snelling EP (2020).  Blood flow rate and wall shear stress in seven major cephalic arteries of humans.  Journal of Anatomy 236, 522-530.  Impact Factor: 3.032.


Seymour RS, Bosiocic V, Snelling EP, Chikezie PC*, Hu Q, Nelson TJ, Zipfel B, Miller CV (2019).  Cerebral blood flow rates in recent great apes are greater than in Australopithecus species that had equal or larger brains.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286, 20192208.  Impact Factor: 5.349.  *BHSc honours advisor.


Seymour RS, Hu Q, Snelling EP, White CR (2019).  Interspecific scaling of blood flow rates and arterial sizes in mammals.  Journal of Experimental Biology 222, jeb199554.  Impact Factor: 3.312.


Snelling EP, Seymour RS, Giussani DA, Fuller A, Maloney SK, Farrell AP, Mitchell D, George K, Dzialowski EM, Jonker SS, Wube T (2019).  Scaling of cardiac morphology is interrupted by birth in the developing sheep Ovis aries.  Journal of Anatomy 235, 96-105.  Impact Factor: 3.032.


Seymour RS, Snelling EP (2019).  Calculating brain perfusion of primates.  Journal of Human Evolution 128, 99-102.  Impact Factor: 3.133.


Izwan A*, Snelling EP, Seymour RS, Meyer LCR, Fuller A, Haw A, Mitchell D, Farrell AP, Costello MA, Maloney SK (2018).  Ameliorating the adverse cardiorespiratory effects of chemical immobilization by inducing general anaesthesia in sheep and goats: implications for physiological studies of large wild mammals.  Journal of Comparative Physiology B 188, 991-1003.  Impact Factor: 2.317.  *PhD advisor.


Snelling EP, Maloney SK, Farrell AP, Meyer LCR, Izwan A*, Fuller A, Mitchell D, Haw A, Costello MA, Seymour RS (2018).  Scaling of morphology and ultrastructure of hearts among wild African antelope.  Journal of Experimental Biology 221, jeb184713.  Impact Factor: 3.312.  *PhD advisor.


Mitchell D, Snelling EP, Hetem RS, Maloney SK, Strauss WM, Fuller A (2018).  Revisiting concepts of thermal physiology: predicting responses of mammals to climate change.  Journal of Animal Ecology 87, 956-973.  Impact Factor: 5.091.


Hu Q, Nelson TJ, Snelling EP, Seymour RS (2018).  Correction to 'Femoral bone perfusion through the nutrient foramen during growth and locomotor development of western grey kangaroos Macropus fuliginosus'.  Journal of Experimental Biology 221, jeb188029.  Impact Factor: 3.312.


Hu Q*, Nelson TJ**, Snelling EP, Seymour RS (2018).  Femoral bone perfusion through the nutrient foramen during growth and locomotor development of western grey kangaroos Macropus fuliginosus.  Journal of Experimental Biology 221, jeb168625.  Impact Factor: 3.312.  *BSc summer scholar advisor, **BSc honours advisor.


Snelling EP, Duncker R*, Jones KK**, Fagan-Jeffries EP**, Seymour RS (2017).  Flight metabolic rate of Locusta migratoria in relation to oxygen partial pressure in atmospheres of varying diffusivity and density.  Journal of Experimental Biology 220, 4432-4439.  Impact Factor: 3.312.  *BSc honours advisor, **BSc summer scholar advisor.


Snelling EP, Biewener AA, Hu Q*, Taggart DA, Fuller A, Mitchell D, Maloney SK, Seymour RS (2017).  Scaling of the ankle extensor muscle-tendon units and the biomechanical implications for bipedal hopping locomotion in the post-pouch kangaroo Macropus fuliginosus.  Journal of Anatomy 231, 921-930.  Impact Factor: 3.032.  *BSc summer scholar advisor.


Barnett A, Braccini M, Dudgeon CL, Payne NL, Abrantes KG, Sheaves M, Snelling EP (2017).  The utility of bioenergetics modelling in quantifying predation rates of marine apex predators: Ecological and fisheries implications.  Scientific Reports 7, 12982.  Impact Factor: 4.543.


Snelling EP, Seymour RS, Green JEF, Meyer LCR, Fuller A, Haw A, Mitchell D, Farrell AP, Costello MA, Izwan A*, Badenhorst M, Maloney SK (2016).  A structure-function analysis of the left ventricle.  Journal of Applied Physiology 121, 900-909.  Impact Factor: 3.531.  *PhD advisor.


Seymour RS, Bosiocic V, Snelling EP (2016).  Correction to ‘Fossil skulls reveal that blood flow rate to the brain increased faster than brain volume during human evolution’.  Royal Society Open Science 4, 170846.  Impact Factor: 3.408.


Seymour RS, Bosiocic V, Snelling EP (2016).  Fossil skulls reveal that blood flow rate to the brain increased faster than brain volume during human evolution.  Royal Society Open Science 3, 160305.  Impact Factor: 3.408.


Crowe-Riddell JM, Snelling EP, Watson AP, Suh AK, Partridge JC, Sanders KL (2016).  The evolution of scale sensilla in the transition from land to sea in elapid snakes.  Royal Society Open Biology 6, 160054.  Impact Factor: 6.436.


Jones KK*, Snelling EP, Watson AP, Seymour RS (2015).  Gas exchange and dive characteristics of the free-swimming backswimmer Anisops deanei.  Journal of Experimental Biology 218, 3478-3486.  *BSc honours advisor.  Impact Factor: 3.312.


Seymour RS, Angove SE, Snelling EP, Cassey P (2015).  Scaling of cerebral blood perfusion in primates and marsupials.  Journal of Experimental Biology 218, 2631-2640.  Impact Factor: 3.312.


Snelling EP, Taggart DA, Maloney SK, Farrell AP, Leigh CM, Waterhouse L, Williams R, Seymour RS (2015).  Scaling of left ventricle cardiomyocyte ultrastructure across development in the kangaroo Macropus fuliginosus.  Journal of Experimental Biology 218, 1767-1776.  Impact Factor: 3.312.


Payne NL, Snelling EP, Fitzpatrick R, Seymour J, Courtney R, Barnett A, Watanabe YY, Sims DW, Squire Jr L, Semmens JM (2015).  A new method for resolving uncertainty of energy requirements in large water-breathers: the 'mega-flume' seagoing swim-tunnel respirometer.  Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6, 668-677.  Impact Factor: 8.402.


Snelling EP, Taggart DA, Maloney SK, Farrell AP, Seymour RS (2015).  Biphasic allometry of cardiac growth in the developing kangaroo Macropus fuliginosus.  Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 88, 216-225.  Impact Factor: 2.247.


Xu L, Snelling EP, Seymour RS (2014).  Burrowing energetics of the Giant Burrowing Cockroach Macropanesthia rhinoceros: an allometric study.  Journal of Insect Physiology 70, 81-87.  Impact Factor: 2.402.


Allan GH, Cassey P, Snelling EP, Maloney SK, Seymour RS (2014).  Blood flow for bone remodelling correlates with locomotion in living and extinct birds.  Journal of Experimental Biology 217, 2956-2962.  Impact Factor: 3.312.


Snelling EP, Becker CL*, Seymour RS (2013).  The effects of temperature and body mass on jump performance of the locust Locusta migratoria.  PLoS ONE 8, e72471.  Impact Factor: 3.582.  *BSc honours advisor.


Payne NL, Snelling EP, Semmens JM, Gillanders BM (2013).  Mechanisms of population structuring in giant Australian cuttlefish Sepia apama.  PLoS ONE 8, e58694.  Impact Factor: 3.582.


Snelling EP, Matthews PGD, Seymour RS (2012).  Allometric scaling of discontinuous gas exchange patterns in the locust Locusta migratoria throughout ontogeny.  Journal of Experimental Biology 215, 3388-3393.  Impact Factor: 3.312.


Snelling EP, Seymour RS, Matthews PGD, White CR (2012).  Maximum metabolic rate, relative lift, wingbeat frequency and stroke amplitude during tethered flight in the adult locust Locusta migratoria.  Journal of Experimental Biology 215, 3317-3323.  Impact Factor: 3.312.


Snelling EP, Seymour RS, Runciman S, Matthews PGD, White CR (2012).  Symmorphosis and the insect respiratory system: a comparison between flight and hopping muscle.  Journal of Experimental Biology 215, 3324-3333.  Impact Factor: 3.312.


Matthews PGD, Snelling EP, Seymour RS, White CR (2012).  A test of the oxidative damage hypothesis for discontinuous gas exchange in the locust Locusta migratoria.  Biology Letters 8, 682-684.  Impact Factor: 3.703.


Snelling EP, Seymour RS, Matthews PGD, Runciman S, White CR (2011).  Scaling of resting and maximum hopping metabolic rate throughout the lifecycle of the locust Locusta migratoria.  Journal of Experimental Biology 214, 3218-3224.  Impact Factor: 3.312.


Snelling EP, Seymour RS, Runciman S, Matthews PGD, White CR (2011).  Symmorphosis and the insect respiratory system: allometric variation.  Journal of Experimental Biology 214, 3225-3237.  Impact Factor: 3.312.


Snelling EP, Seymour RS, Runciman S (2011).  Moulting of insect tracheae captured by light and electron-microscopy in the metathoracic femur of a third instar locust Locusta migratoria.  Journal of Insect Physiology 57, 1312-1316.  Impact Factor: 2.402.


Payne NL, Gillanders BM, Seymour RS, Webber DM, Snelling EP, Semmens JM (2011).  Accelerometry estimates field metabolic rate in giant Australian cuttlefish Sepia apama during breeding.  Journal of Animal Ecology 80, 422-430.  Impact Factor: 5.091.


Department of Anatomy and Physiology, and Centre for Veterinary Wildlife Research, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria, Onderstepoort 0110, South Africa

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